Privacy Policy

Puppy Sleep respects the privacy of all visitors to its website and ensures that the (personal) information you provide is treated confidentially. Processing of (personal) data is done in a manner consistent with the requirements of the law under the AVG legislation.

Purposes of data processing

Personal data is processed by us for entering into and executing agreements for our services and managing the resulting relationships.

In order to process the data entered via the forms, personal data is forwarded to our contacts via email. If you fill out a contact/quotation, application or email registration form on our website, or send us an email, the data you send us will be stored indefinitely. It is possible at any time to view the data again and/or have it removed on request.


All data you exchange with Puppy Sleep through our website is encrypted with SSL security based on the HTTPS protocol.

Static data and Google Analytics

Puppy Sleep uses Google Analytics to keep track of general visit data and to be able to analyze it. The data is used for statistical analyses of visiting and clicking behaviour on the website. This enables us to optimize the functioning of the website. We have also set up Google Analytics to be privacy-friendly, so that IP addresses are anonymized and data is sent over a secure connection.

We have signed a processing agreement with Google. The statistical data is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in Europe and the United States in accordance with current AVG legislation.
You can read Google’s privacy policy for more information on how Google is compliant with the AVG.

Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no influence on this. We would like to explicitly point out that this static data by Puppy Sleep can never be traced back to you as a person or individual. The data collected by Puppy Sleep will never be provided to third parties.


This website uses cookies that remember your preferences, e.g. to make navigating our website easier. Cookies allow us to analyze visitor behavior and improve our website. This website is also used by third parties to place cookies, such as Google Analytics.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that remember your preferences while surfing and store them on your own computer via the browser you use. The information collected by cookies by Puppy Sleep and / or third parties may be used for the following purposes:

For analytical purposes: to analyze the use of the Puppy Sleep website. Example: it may be tracked how many visitors visit a particular web page, so that Puppy Sleep knows which parts of its website are popular.
For personal preference purposes: to facilitate visitor navigation, such as saving cookie preferences, webshop orders and any login.
For advertising or marketing purposes: to show visitors to the Puppy Sleep website relevant and personalized advertisements, to limit the number of times that each advertisement is displayed & to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

What cookies does Puppy Sleep use?

On our website we use necessary cookies (for basic website functions such as page navigation) and cookies are placed by third parties to analyze website traffic behavior (such as Google Analytics). No cookies are placed that track behavior on a personal level or use personal data for marketing purposes.

If you consent to the use of cookies, Puppy Sleep may use additional data to improve the website. If you disable cookies, the experience of our website may be disappointing or user-friendliness may be reduced.

Refusing and deleting cookies

If you surf on the website of Puppy Sleep you get the message that we use cookies and that when you use the website you agree. If you still want to unsubscribe from (certain) cookies then read below how to do this:

  1. Desktop: move your mouse to the bottom left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on the small pop-up at the bottom left with the title “Cookie Policy
  3. The cookie notice will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click “functional only” on the far right of the cookie message.
  5. Your cookie preferences have been changed/saved.
  6. Optionally, you can delete the cookies from the browser. If you want to delete them via the browser you are using; you can do this in the following way:

Through the browser settings on your computer you can delete cookies already placed and refuse the placement of new cookies. The way this is done differs per browser. Consult the help function of your browser if necessary. Disabling cookies only has consequences for the computer and browser on which you perform this action. If you use multiple computers and/or browsers you need to repeat this action as often as necessary.

More information about the steps to take can be found at:

Access, correction and right of objection

If you have a relationship with Puppy Sleep, you have the possibility after a written or telephonic request to see your personal data.

If the overview provided by us contains inaccuracies, you can request us in writing or by telephone to change or remove the data. You retain the right to receive a written or telephonic response from Puppy Sleep within 30 days, in accordance with the AVG legislation. Furthermore, you have the right to request your data in a file so that another party can obtain and use this data.
You can change the given consent for cookies yourself, as explained above. In addition, you can inform us in writing if you do not wish to be contacted (by post or e-mail) with information about our products and services by informing us at this address:

Puppy Sleep
Rohofstraat 112b
7605 AX Almelo
Or mail to

If you do not agree with how we process personal data and you have already contacted a contact person of ours about this, then you have the possibility to file a complaint with the Authority for Personal Data. This can be sent to:
Authority for the Protection of Personal Data
P.O. Box 93374

Changes reserved Cookie policy

Puppy Sleep reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy. Changes will be published on this website. We recommend that you consult the privacy policy regularly, so that you are always aware of the content of the current privacy policy.

This privacy policy is version 1.0 and was last amended on 22-04-2024.